Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Most of us have the luxury to buy the things we like even if we don't really need them. Whether its a piece of clothing or some form of entertainment we spend our money to add to our collection. No matter how large our collection gets we will always make room for the next shiny thing that catches our eye. The search for something new is only around the corner, but how long it holds our attention all depends on when we start our next endeavour. The choices grow everyday but our attention span changes with it, so what used to be "can i find what i like" has changed to "this should keep me happy for a couple of weeks."

Monday, 20 October 2014


Age can sometimes get confused for capabilities. Some people believe that pushing people to perform will help in their growth. Ignoring the individuals capabilities just because the average age group shows that he or she should be ready to advance will only lead to disappointment. Catergorising people by mainly focusing on their similarities will only force an incomplete evaluation that will not show a true indication of what level the individual is ready for. A true assessment of readiness can only be determined if you take in consideration all the stages that they have completed. The mentality ready or not doesn't allow for those who develop at different times and teaches people that we can't wait for you so pick up your pace. Unless we break free from the thrall of a closed mind and judge each case separately we will be left wondering what went wrong. 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


A good brand is like a good friend, you can rely on both when your not sure who you should trust because you've usually known them for such a long time and they have remained reliably consistent, which is why you find them hard to falter. Once the relationship has been established we stop questioning their actions because how can something or someone that we have put our faith in for such a long time, let us down. This is one of the reasons we ignore the faults that they have and make allowances for the errors we have to face. Ignoring faults in brands and our friends is only compromising your values because we wouldn't put up with these problems if it was the beginning of a relationship. We should appreciate things for what they are, not for what they could be or what they used to be otherwise the foundations of the relationship will be falsely represented and you are left with a false sense of security.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Life is made up of many different life experiences, it is up to you to discover what makes up for a full life. Whether your preference is to stay home and be a home body or to go out and see the sites, the power is in your choice to choose. Experiences differ and so do our needs that is why you can only experience regret if you felt that you missed out. Some people are happy with the simple things in life and don't feel they need to go further than their comfort zone. Some may argue that if your not pushing the limits by doing more things with your life than your not living a full life, but who's to say what is right for yourself will make your neighbour happy. Happiness is all about completion of priorities and choices that steer our preferences.

Thursday, 28 August 2014


Our free will gives us the power to say and do whatever we like, but our common sense is what usually leads us to the more suitable choice. Without common sense practical decisions would be replaced by irrational choices which can manipulate the worlds routined flow and transform it into a chaotic mess. Luckily the majority of us still have common sense in charge when making priority decisions that influence our developing communities. It is our free will that connects us to our soul, when we follow our heart and make a decision that feels right we feel the satisfaction that confirms the right decision was made. A selfish decision can cause the opposite affect which people shy from standing by their made decision and would prefer it was kept quiet, the less attention the quicker they can pretend it never happened. So if you want to be proud of who you are then be the person that sticks by your words and action because that is what people will remember you for.

Sunday, 17 August 2014


We spend alot of time focusing on our appearance and very little time on how our mind feels. Without focusing equally on our mind, body and soul we can never be free of the expectations that we put on ourselves. Most of us are able to reflect on our past, at a time when we felt that we were in complete control of our lives. A moment where life just seemed easier, this is when we felt that we were better versions of our current self. This is the proof that we are able to be better, but we need to be willing if we want to feel that nostalgia moment again. You are the only one who has to live your life, so make it a good one.

Friday, 8 August 2014


The world is made up of such a vast type of personality's that even though we may have many differences their is one common goal that we all share, we all want to find our happy place. To do this we need to find where we fit in society because the moment we feel we don't fit in a group, is the first day we begin our search to find out where we belong. Having different interests is the key to highlighting where we should be focusing our time on. Those who love numbers become accountants or math teachers, those who love to talk and socialise become salespeople or promoters. Life is about finding your happy place and hopefully contributing to a positive society. So do what you can now and live life without regrets because if your good at something maybe there is a reason why!. And don't let your fear of failure hold you back because you will be happy once you find your niche.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


We buy tatts tickets and gamble when we hope that there is a chance that we might be able to change our life style for the better, but some people still want to live the same lifestyle that they complain about. Unless you are an entrepreneur your likely to live a similar lifestyle throughout your life that you are currently in. So if you have any money making ideas then make it happen now because wining enough money to change your life is not likely to happen and if it does you might be one of those who bank the money for another day.

Thursday, 31 July 2014


We are constantly reminded that things are either black or white. This conditions our mind to ignore the the why's and purely focus on the end result. Not understanding the reasons why, only takes us further away from the substance . Its the grey area that is ignored that makes life a lot more interesting and ensures the minority doesn't slip in the cracks. See things for what they are can only be reached if you open your mind to the whole situation, not just the parts that supports your views.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Tiredness is the greatest inhibitor, it takes away the characteristics that are evident with those who are withdrawn. Even the most reserved personality is levelled and transformed into a person who doesn't  fear the rejection of not fitting in. The raw feelings they share openly don't normally come out unless they've had a few too many drinks. So sleep less and drink more and your likely to show a better reflection of who you really are, because now your a willing participant to the conversations that your normally trying hard to avoid. Now you have transformed to one of the crowd rather than looking for faults in others because you don't like to let people in.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


If you have the attitude that your going to fail so why should you even try, then you have already failed. If you feel your efforts have no positive impact and believe you should just give up on your hopes and dreams, then your concerns should be focused on how you became this person who won't even give yourself a chance. When did you let the negativity in the world manipulate your own views. You should not let other peoples negativity change your intentions of trying to improve yours or someone elses life. All this will do is bring you down to a level where you have changed your beliefs just to justify giving up on the idea of the possibilities of a better life. Anything worth trying for has to be believed in first.

Sunday, 1 June 2014


Those who refuse to look deep into things end up hitting a wall. Feeling stuck and confused they don't know which way to go next, because a lot of their time is spent wondering how they got stuck. All this could of been avoided if they realised that unless you've got a back up plan and prepare yourself for the worst you can only blame your naive mind for the problems that you weren't prepared for. Unless your comfortable to take a punt on your life's results you may as well just hope everything works towards your benefit and don't complain if it doesn't.

Saturday, 24 May 2014


We live our lives in our own personal bubble to shield us from the things that we don't like. Some of us rarely open up because the fear of rejection isn't something we can handle easily. So we would rather keep our guard up and keep things simple, even though what we show to others is only just a small part of us. Keeping our personal space limited gives you no outlet when needing someone to relate to. Without a connection between people you are left to fill lost without the hope that only human compassion can give you. So give your friends and family the joy of knowing who you are without hiding your rough edges because it's our idiosyncrasies that make us who we are.


If you open yourself to the possibility that not all favours done for you have your best interests at hand, you will find it harder to close your eyes to the lies you get told every day. So being naive not only results in losing your power to take control of your life but also gives others an upper hand on how to manipulate you. If your goal is to try and make everyone happy at the expense of your own happiness, then ignoring the things that might upset you and focus solely on how you can please those who surround you. Sadly it is impossible to satisfy everybody because helping someone may result in displeasing some body else. So you may as well start with your own happiness and take charge and show those who try to turn you into a puppet that you do have a voice of your own.

Sunday, 18 May 2014


It's funny that when people make insensitive remarks supposedly by accident and you don't let it bother you, then they go for round two. Those kind of people who aren't happy until they have made you unhappy are an example of how misery seems to need company irrespective of the consequences. Cut these friends of convenience out of your life because they will only hold you back. Friends who get jealous of your endeavours will only be saddened by your succession. So choose your friends wisely and you will have friends that will support you through thick and thin or the alternative, having a room full of Facebook friends who just want to show others they are more popular then everyone else which can make you feel more alone because of the lack of compassion highlights your so called friends true motives.


Good friends are able to talk to each about everything, even the most sensitive of topics are not restricted. So why do a lot of people hide what they really think from the ones that matter most to them?, is it because they believe that their might be a chance that they will offend their friends and family?. When did we change into a people that can't handle the truth from our closest friends to a person that doesn't know each other's true feelings of our true friends?.

Monday, 12 May 2014


As role models our actions are sometimes mimicked by our children and of those who admire our lifestyle. Impressionable minds take sway to prejudices we have, and carry through life like wildfire to others who are willing to listen. So if you don't want to live in a cynical world we all need to watch what what we say and how it will impact the minds of others. Negativity breeds fast especially when you try to control the truth. Having only negative views doesn't do any good for our community, unless you are able to advise with an open mind you may as well blame yourself for contributing to the negative pollution that sometimes stands apparent. 

Thursday, 1 May 2014


 If all laws are evaluated as a whole, then we are lucky to have a good system in place, but the system has some issues which seem to neglect a lot of the community. This must be a challenge for those who are in charge of upholding the law  even when they themselves don't believe in them. One of the many laws that should be reassessed states that moving your mobile while driving is using it, can this same rule be used for other items in the car. The males driving their partners car make sure you don't move your wife's lipstick or you may be accused for using the lipstick or don't pass a dummy to your child because dummies are for children under three. Most importantly make sure your home is hazard free you don't want a burglar to trip they might sue you for everything you own including your house.


We are told that speeding cameras save lives because they will stop us from speeding. So why does it take a couple of weeks before we get the fine ? Is that because it is harder for us to recall the instance which usually means we won't dispute the charge. Wouldn't it make sense that we were stopped at the time of the offence so it will slow us down from the accident they claim we would of had. Or maybe our donation to the council is the perfect recourse to going faster than what they say is right because they know best.


Our nationality is based on where we come from and can be recognised by what language we speak. But if it's the land we are born on that determines what we are known to others as then what about our heritage and how far do we have to go to be able to call ourselves part of that country. Pangea was the name of continent before the land separated. So our past has Pangea history. Life would be simpler and less confusing if we treated each other as people and not change how we communicate based on where we come from. On a brighter note happy Australia day !!!


We seem to have changed into a society who refuse to wait and expect things now. Technology leaps have shown us that we should expect more out of everything and on a much shorter time frame. This has affected some into being impatient and rude while others really didn't need the excuse. So maybe its time to slow down and use that extra time you now have to be compassionate and empathise with the common man and woman. Unless you'd prefer to sweep all the problems with the world under the rug, now that's up to you and your initiative.


The misconception that we hear a lot of, is that we are in complete control of who we are. But the truth is we can only succumb to who we are if we expect to live a happy life. Trying to control how we feel will only suppress who we are, the ability to convince ourselves that we have control of who we are supposed to be and how we are going to react during an emotional moment will take us further away of accepting ourselves. Trying to change our core is like swapping our soul for another more preferred one, but we are who we are and half the battle is discovering that. Life is discovering what you like not making up likes that seem to fit the person you want people to see. Acceptance can only occur with yourself,  when you allow your true self to be seen, otherwise you'll always be lost searching for the reason of why you can't make yourself happy.


There is a type of narrow minded thinking that restricts people from looking deep into things. I like to refer to this as O.W.T which stands for old wog thinking. Now I'm sure this type of thinking can be found not only in the old stubborn minds of our community but also can be found in the younger generations. It's sad to think if your hoping to gain only useful knowledge from those who have lived longer than yourself its not always the case, because your naive mind may fall prey to the weakness that usually comes when spending time with a deteriorated mind. At first their beliefs may sound convincing but once analysed the bias and negative views stand out and don't match your own outlook on life. So if you don't want to be a backward thinker hold onto the good and filter the bad before you get O.W.T


We seem to be bombarded with information to fill us up with fear. An overwhelming of focused fear from the media ,church's and even our family. All this to control how we think and what we do, a false sense of security that is assured to us as long as we stay in the parameters of what is considered right for us. The sheltered security blanket is just a distraction to make us feel we are safe, but without freedom of choice then what is the point because we end up losing what is truly sacred , our self. No one is really 100 percent safe in life, but it doesn't have to mean you live your life in fear. Living cautiously doesn't require constant reminders of how the world is a dangerous place. So trying to control the population with promises that can't be kept isn't fooling anyone. Their is no hiding from your fate that's why our time should be spent educating our community not treating people as if surrounding them with cotton wool will protect them from the dangers around them.

Saturday, 19 April 2014


If you take God and the Devil out of the equation than your just left with good and bad. Good and bad remain irrespective of God and the Devils influence. The church tries to rely on our fear and encourage people with the promise that if your not being good to others you will be dammed to hell and unless you are good you will not be rewarded with your afterlife in heaven. Whether or not the church's view is right or wrong the lessons of compassion it tries to teach should be enough for us to understand and follow its examples on how to be a good person. I believe that we all should live by one main rule, "treat people as you want to be treated" and if you can't do that honestly you are an example of someone who is being selfish. This doesn't have to result in you being punished with the threat that you are going to hell but should have a positive result that gives a person the opportunity to correct  there attitude malfunction otherwise their bad attitude will highlight if they are posing as friend but their attitudes shows that they're foes. Eventually people will be treated in the same way once they are conditioned with the same treatment their giving with a lesson that teaches us by reforming us into equals and better people. We can only hope for a better mankind. Unless men and women aren't kind at all, then there is no hope for even the hopeful.