Thursday, 5 May 2016


Placing negative judgements on females  purely because of their gender will not only hold back those who are being judged , but also limit societies own potential. A society that doesn't encourage all its people to excel are only putting limitations to their resources and dumbing down society.  A man dominated society will only limit its own perspective on the truths of the world. Men and women views expressed together will bring both sides to the table which will bring choices that are better balanced based on what is best for all the people.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


The more your life becomes routine the harder it is to distinguish one day from another. The days and the weeks blend to one, making you feel you're experiencing a constant deja vu. Without breaking your routine your life can feel a little bland. Simply by mixing it up life can feel surprisingly different and back in your control. Living an auto pilot life takes away your power to choose your own preferences which will make it harder for you to feel happier and enable you to sustain a healthy mind. A healthier mind will trigger other parts of your life following suite. So change your lifestyle and you will change your life.

Thursday, 17 March 2016


The misconception of what is really the most important thing in life may vary between family, career, fortune and fame. The truth is, the most significant thing in your life has to be your level of compassion. Its compassion that helps you connect to one other which will give you a strong desire to try and alleviate someones Else's pain. Being human and being humane should go hand in hand, because humanity is an embodiment of what makes us human, and without compassion we are just emotionless robots. People can live without a family, a career, a fortune and fame but without compassion the purpose of life is meaningless.